The Ventnor is the next generation product from Sunhillo. Offering a drop in solution for existing MPS1000 customers, the Ventnor provides enhanced capabilities over the existing MPS1000 product, while addressing multiple markets with Sunhillo’s feature rich software. The Ventnor provides access to the MPS application programming interface (API) and the associated integrated protocol suite. These protocols enable development engineers to proceed directly to integration and application development efforts.
Additionally, the Ventnor is the first product that completely integrates the MPS API with the Sunhillo surveillance sensor data formatting, filtering, and protocol conversion capabilities.
Support for an optional COM Express Single Board Computer is also available within the Ventnor, providing additional customer specific functionality and processing capabilities.
The Ventnor offers the following network interface and conversion capabilities:
Sunhillo’s comprehensive suite of protocols provides complete connectivity solutions for Radar, TADIL-B, HDLC, Async, and SBSI protocols.